Garima Pant


<p>Garima Pant is a popular Nepali actress who became popular with her movie Jhola that portrays the sati system in Nepal. She has also won the many more award for the acting in film jhola. She also has featured as character Indra in the 2016 movie Teen Ghumti. Teen Ghumti is the film adaption of the popular novel Teen Ghumti/Tin Ghumti by popular Nepali politician and a prolific writer BP Koirala.She has also played in the film preetiko phool, thuli samjhana etc.&nbsp;</p><p>She was born in tanahu in 1984 january 30 as name kamala pant.She got married on an unspecified date in January, 2016 &nbsp;but has publicly released the marriage photos in Facebook on May 13, 2016. She had announced and donated &nbsp;the marriage budget, Rs. 700,000, to create a scholarship fund in a couple of schools in her birthplace. nowdays she is in beljium with her husband.&nbsp;</p>