<p>Nepali actress Chhulthim Gurung is a well known actress made popular by the only one movie released so far, ‘November Rain’. The actress featured as Dalli, is being known by that nick-name after the character in the movie. Here is the biography of the talented actress and equally talented RJ and VJ, Chhulthim Gurung. she is also producer of film diary in which rekha thapa has played as negetive role in first time.she has also contarct the film nepte with coactor dayahang rai. </p><p>Name – Chhulthim Dolma Gurung</p><p>Nick Name – Dalli</p><p>Birthday – September 10</p><p>Relationship status – Single (divorced singer Dhiraj Rai in or around 2010)</p><p>Debut movie – November Rain (2014)</p><p>Profession/s – RJ, VJ, modelling, acting, producer</p>